
The Princess fries the chicken

It was a beautiful sunny day in the kingdom and the Princess decided to make some breaded chicken. It started with three little bowls. The first little bowl had flour in it. The second little bowl had eggs (with the Italian Pilot calls an egg wash ~ the Princess thinks that's funny) and a third little bowl with bread crumbs.

Now the Princess wanted to make bread crumbs and the last time she did make bread crumbs and it was not pretty and she realized that after the amount of time she put into it that making bread crumbs was not necessary. She this time she bought bread crumbs, much to the Italian pilots delight.

The princess covered the chicken in the flour, egg wash (insert giggle) and bread crumbs. The Italian pilot says that it is very important to cover the entire chicken in the layers. We shall see....

More tips from the Italian Pilot. The Italian Pilot says that if you line the counter with paper towels it saves from the mess of cleaning it all up. The princess made chicken cutlets last time and did not make much of a mess. This time when she put the breast in there some flour poofed out and made a little mess. So she thought that she would put the pilots tip in here.

Covering the chicken in the mixture totally proved to be a GREAT move. It made the chicken fry very fast. I was VERY good.

Here is a picture of it frying. The Princess used the tongs to turn them!

AND there there are. They were VERY good. Very juicy the breading makes almost a protective covering while they cook. It was very good!